Academic Resources
Looking for Academic Resources? We can help! See below for the Program of Studies, study tips, graduation requirements, and more!
Program of Studies - The Secondary Program of Studies Registration and Information Guide is designed to provide students and their parents with information that will assist them in course selection and with long-range academic and career planning.
Course Planning - If you were unable to attend our Course Planning Night or would like to review the presentation, we've got you covered! This presentation will walk you through graduation requirements and diploma types, credits and verified credits, the YCSD Honors and specialty programs, course options, and next steps. Please see your school counselor for more information. If you are a rising 9th grade student or family, click here for a presentation specifically catered to you!
Free Military Tutoring - If you are a military-connected family, you may qualify for no-cost, online tutoring and homework help. Learners can get 1-to-1 help from an expert tutor—anytime, on any internet-connected device, from anywhere in the world.
Khan Academy Free Online Study Resource - Khan Academy offers free practice exercises, instructional videos, and a personalized learning dashboard for math, art, computer programming, economics, physics, chemistry, biology, medicine, finance, history, and more! Simply select a course or use the search box. Para acceder a este recurso en español, haga clic aquí.
Virtual Nerd Online Math Resources - Virtual Nerd offers over 1,500 tutorial videos that can be used to supplement learning in middle and high school math classes, from sixth grade to high school. The videos cover topics such as Pre-Algebra, Algebra 1, Algebra 2, and Geometry, along with additional videos on SAT and ACT math topics.
Study Skills Tips (video) - Feeling a little overwhelmed when it comes to studying? These 9 Study Tips may help!
Pomodoro Time Management Technique - Getting things done on time can be challenging when faced with distractions. Try this technique for focused work with planned breaks in between.
This list is for general informational purposes only. Appearance on this list does not constitute an endorsement and descriptions are not exhaustive.